

Fariya: The End of My Marriage Age

Title: Fariya: The End of My Marriage AgeFariya, a prominent figure in the entertainment industry, shocked the public with a recent announcement that marked the end of her marriage. The news broke on January...

Fatal Road Accident in Chakriya: Pedestrian Killed – 80 characters

Tragic Accident Claims Life of Pedestrian in ChakriyaIn a devastating turn of events, a fatal road accident in Chakriya has left a pedestrian dead. The incident occurred on January 12, 2025, at 3:41 PM,...

Negligence Allegations Lead to Temporary Suspension of Three Nurses

**Negligence Allegations Lead to Temporary Suspension of Three Nurses**In a shocking turn of events, three nurses have been temporarily suspended following allegations of negligence that resulted in the tragic death of a child. The...

Hackers in Noakhali: A Dangerous Threat to the Market

Threat of Hackers in Noakhali MarketIn a shocking turn of events, the market in Noakhali has been targeted by hackers, posing a dangerous threat to the entire economic ecosystem. The incident occurred on January...

Sada Ke Sada, Kalo Ke Kalo Bolte Hobe: Kader Goni Chowdhury

**Sada Ke Sada, Kalo Ke Kalo Bolte Hobe: Kader Goni Chowdhury**In a riveting turn of events, Kader Goni Chowdhury, the Secretary-General of the Bangladesh Federal Journalist Union, made a bold statement during a press...

Navigating the World of Politics: Tips for Beginners

Political Newbies: A Beginner's Guide to Navigating the World of PoliticsIn the fast-paced world of politics, understanding the ins and outs can be daunting, especially for newcomers. But fear not, as we have compiled...

Allegations of Assault in Dhaka: Viral Video Sparks Controversy

**Allegations of Assault in Dhaka: Viral Video Sparks Controversy**In a shocking turn of events in Dhaka, two businessmen were accused of assault in a viral video that has sparked controversy across the city. The...

38th Bangladesh Amateur Golf Championship: Conclusion and Prize Distribution

38th Bangladesh Amateur Golf Championship: A Spectacular Conclusion and Prize DistributionIn a thrilling finale to the 38th Bangladesh Amateur Golf Championship, golf enthusiasts witnessed an electrifying display of talent and sportsmanship at the prestigious...

Gold Theft at Boundary Square, 3 Arrested in Suspected Case

Gold Heist Unfolds at Boundary Square, Leading to 3 ArrestsIn a shocking turn of events at Boundary Square, a daring gold theft has left residents and authorities reeling. The incident, which took place on...

সমন্বয়ক আবদুল হান্নান মাসউদ ও রাসেলকে হামলার অভিযোগ: অবরুদ্ধ করা (Abdul Hannan Masud and...

Abdul Hannan Masud and Russell Accused of Attack: UnleashedIn a shocking turn of events, prominent coordinator Abdul Hannan Masud and Russell have been accused of a vicious attack. The incident took place in Chittagong...